Kubernetes Architecture

                              |                    |
                              |    kubectl CLI     |
                              |                    |
                      |                                   |
                      |          Master Node              |
                      |                                   |
                               |         |        |
                               |         |        |
                               |         |        |
                               v         v        v
                      +--------+---+ +---+--------+--------+
                      |            | |          |          |
                      | API Server | | Scheduler|  etcd    |
                      |            | |          |          |
                      +-----+------+ +---+------+---+------+
                            |            |          |
                            v            |          |
                  +---------+------+     |          |
                  |                |     |          |
                  | Controller     |     |          |
                  | Manager        |     |          |
                  +----------------+     |          |
                                         |          |
                                         v          v
                                        |               |
                                        |     etcd      |
                                        |               |
                                            |       |
                                            v       v
                                    |                       |
                                    |      Worker Nodes     |
                                    |                       |
                              |                               |
                              |                               |
                              v                               v
             +----------------+-----------+   +--------------+-----------+
             | Kubelet                    |   | Kubelet                  |
             | Container Runtime          |   | Container Runtime        |
             +----------------+-----------+   +--------------+-----------+
                              |                               |
                              v                               v
             +----------------+-----------+   +--------------+-----------+
             |   Pods                      |   |   Pods                    |
             |                             |   |                           |
             +-----------------------------+   +---------------------------+
Command Explanation
kubectl get nodes Lists all nodes in the cluster, showing their status, roles, and other details.
kubectl get pods Lists all pods in the current namespace.
kubectl get pods --all-namespaces Lists all pods across all namespaces.
kubectl get services Lists all services in the current namespace.
kubectl get deployments Lists all deployments in the current namespace.
kubectl get replicasets Lists all replicasets in the current namespace.
kubectl get statefulsets Lists all statefulsets in the current namespace.
kubectl get daemonsets Lists all daemonsets in the current namespace.
kubectl describe node <node-name> Provides detailed information about a specific node.
kubectl describe pod <pod-name> Provides detailed information about a specific pod.
kubectl create -f <file.yaml> Creates resources defined in a YAML file.
kubectl apply -f <file.yaml> Applies changes defined in a YAML file to existing resources or creates them if they don't exist.
kubectl delete pod <pod-name> Deletes a specific pod.
kubectl delete -f <file.yaml> Deletes resources defined in a YAML file.
kubectl delete service <service-name> Deletes a specific service.
kubectl delete deployment <deployment-name> Deletes a specific deployment.
kubectl logs <pod-name> Fetches the logs for a specific pod.
kubectl logs <pod-name> -c <container-name> Fetches the logs for a specific container within a pod.
kubectl exec -it <pod-name> -- <cmd> Executes a command in a running pod, with interactive terminal.
kubectl port-forward <pod-name> <local-port>:<pod-port> Forwards a port from a pod to the local machine.
kubectl scale --replicas=<num> deployment/<deployment-name> Scales a deployment to the specified number of replicas.
kubectl rollout status deployment/<deployment-name> Checks the status of a deployment rollout.
kubectl rollout undo deployment/<deployment-name> Rolls back a deployment to a previous revision.
kubectl set image deployment/<deployment-name> <container-name>=<new-image> Updates the image of a container in a deployment.
kubectl get namespaces Lists all namespaces in the cluster.
kubectl get events Lists events in the current namespace, showing recent activity.
kubectl config get-contexts Lists all available contexts in the kubeconfig file.
kubectl config use-context <context> Switches to a different context in the kubeconfig file.
kubectl top node Displays resource usage (CPU/memory) of nodes.
kubectl top pod Displays resource usage (CPU/memory) of pods.
kubectl apply --record -f <file.yaml> Records the current command in the resource's annotation for future rollbacks.
kubectl annotate <resource> <name> <key>=<value> Adds or updates an annotation on a resource.
kubectl label <resource> <name> <key>=<value> Adds or updates a label on a resource.
kubectl edit <resource> <name> Edits a resource on the server directly.
kubectl patch <resource> <name> --patch <patch-data> Updates a resource using a JSON patch.
kubectl cp <source> <pod-name>:<destination> Copies a file from local machine to a pod.
kubectl taint nodes <node-name> <key>=<value>:<effect> Taints a node to control which pods can be scheduled on it.


Kube-api Server

SOLID example for Kubernetes