Below are some commonly used chaining operators which you can use with different commands:

Chaining Operator Description
& (Ampersand) This sends a command, script, or process to the background. In short, it makes a command run in the background.
&& (Logical AND) The && operator will only execute the second command if the first command SUCCEEDS! , in other words, if the first command exits with a zero status.
; (Semi-colon) The command following this operator will execute even if the command preceding this operator is not successfully executed.
! (NOT) The NOT is much like the except statement. It will run all the commands except a given condition. It negates an expression within a command.
>,>>, < (Input-OutputRedirection) Redirects the output of a command or a group of commands to a file or stream.
\ (Concatenation) Used to concatenate large commands over several lines in the shell.
() (Precedence) Allows the commands to execute in precedence order.
{} (Combination) The execution of the command succeeding this operator will depend on the execution of the first command.

<aside> 💡 Read more about command line chaining here:
